Thursday, October 15, 2009

blog action day and what i make of it

i made my blog just yesterday and today i comes to kno that its blog action day...... hurray its blog action day !!! (as if i kno what it is ) but anyways all dat i could make out was that its some special day when bloggers from around the world come together and share their stuff about some common topic which this time happens to b "global climate change". i dont understand whats their to write or share about it... i mean ofcourse u can write and bring awareness bout it but whats the point ??????? if u r a blogger then u r literate enuff to kno what climate change is... literate enuff to kno its ill effects, its reasons and bla bla.. and buddy u shud b ashamed of yourself that even though u kno so much bout climate change, its ill effects, its control measures and all and still u r sitting in front of your pc writing blogs and posting stuffs rather than actually going out there and making an effort to help prevent it... i mean whats their about this topic thats never been written b4 or whats their that only u knos and no1 else does... that is something worth sharing.. if u've got something like dat c'mon go ahead share it but if there's nothing new there's no point in wasting your time repeating history... so i believe whats better is to shut this pc get out there and c how u can contribute to help the environment rather than blabbering about it... abd i guess thats what i'm gonna do...

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